
CD no. 15
Paschal Collection
The Paschal Greeting
Christ is Risen --- Truly He is Risen
Live in 30 languages!
Chanted by the Byzantine Choir of the Holy Monastery
of Saints Cyprian and Justina Fili.
Recorded: 1997-98
Cover Icon: The Resurrection (Gospel cover), 2000.
Photo Inside cover: Pascha at the monastery, 2005.
01. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Christ is Risen (3 times) Chorally
02. Paschal Greetings (Romania , Sardinia , Nazareth , Spain , Congo (Tsiloumpa dialect) , Georgia , Kenya (Kikuyu dialect), Bulgaria , Uganda (Lugano dilaect) . 1st Ode of the Canon of Pascha.

03. Paschal Greetings (California (USA), Australia, Austria, Moscow, Jerusalem, Uganda (Lougkouere dialect),
Congo (Lingala dialect), Bangladesh, Hungary). 3rd Ode of the Canon of Pascha. 
04. Paschal Greetings (Kiev, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Congo (Swahili dialect, Sweden, Egypt, Germany, London).
4th, 5th and 6th Odes of the Canon of Pascha. 
05. Part One of Catechetical Homily of Saint John Chrysostom. 7th, 8th and 9th Odes of the Canon of Pascha. 
06. Part Two of Catechetical Homily. The Stichera and Glory… of Pascha. Plagal of FirstTone. 
07. Part Three of Catechetical Homily. Christ is Risen (slow chant). Plagal of FirstTone. 
08. Part Four (Final) of Catechetical Homily. The Angel cried unto Her ... (slow chant). First Tone. 
09. Christ is Risen! (Russian, Romanian, and Africa). 
10. As many as have been baptized into Christ (2). Dynamis of monk Dositheou. First Tone. 
11. Christ is Risen. 
